Legal nature of buy-backing loaded goods in direct selling companies

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor, Law Group of Humanities Faculty, Kharazmi University, Iran

2 PHD, Private Law, Kharazmi University, Iran


One of the ways of selling products is “direct selling”. The companies which use this method sell their products directly to end users just by their distributors’ intermediation. In this method, distributors retail sell the products out of a fixed commercial location. Harmful effect of loading unsold products with distributors had legislators make companies buy-back those products. Briefly, we can say, “buy-back” is a special option for direct selling. According to this option, at the end of the contractual relation between distributor and company, in the case of distributor`s request, company with deducting paid commissions and a reasonable amount will be obligated to buy-back loaded goods.
