Ownership and freedom

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor, Private and Islamic Law Department, University of Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Private and Islamic Law Department, Farabi Campus, University of Tehran, Qum, Iran


Ownership and freedom are two essential rights and of value to human beings. By contrast to preliminary reviews, the link between these two values is very solid, and they have a reciprocal relation.Not only can they serve as the foundation of each other, but also in case of departing this equilibrium, each can have a negative effect on the other. The relationship between the two is the subject of study of this article. For purpose of conclusion, we should know that Freedom and ownership are two important rights, in which Law has the obligation to create equilibrium between them; as such not only there will be no conflict between them, in fact they will complement and support each other, and also each shall maximize the other.
