Children's lineage embryos in vitro between Iran and US rights (Comparative study)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor, Department of Private Law, University of Tehran, Iran

2 PhD Student in Private Law, University of Tehran, Iran


Medical science is the science of the twentieth century has made significant progress. In proportion to these improvements, law has been developed in response to complex questions ahead. One of new areas of medicine is infertility treatment that with the various ways Ten percent of couples with infertility concerns has greatly relieved. Using the method such as IVF, IUI and esc in the treatment of this disease, is faced law an important new questions. Regardless of the legitimacy of these methods, Effects arising from the reproductive such as lineage, inheritance, guardianship, (child) custody and confidentiality is among the works that should be studied and explored. Comparing different countries laws and legal solutions in the two countries will help a lot in determining position of the subject on the rights. Lineage is the most important result of the laboratory embryos that in this article the rights of Iran and the United States will be reviewed and implemented.
