Civil liability of road managers for car accidents

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Faculty of Law and Politics, University of Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Faculty of entrepreneurship, University of Tehran, Iran

3 Master of Private Law, University of Tehran, Iran


Road managers, such as the ministry of roads and municipals, are in charge of the construction and maintenance of roads. In cases where the defect of the road or failure to observe the safety rules is effective in a car accident, the Road managers may be considered as the liable of the harm. Their liability is based on civil liability rules and approved special acts. We analyze the civil liability of these offices from two aspects: First, it will be discussed based on civil liability rules and fault theory. On the other hand, because most of the offices in charge of the roads are of public or governmental sector, the subject is analyzed based on civil liability of government and the theories presented on this concept. In addition to the liability of these offices as legal personality, the personal liability of the related officers and employees is considered.
