University’s Interest in City and The View Of ‎Supreme Court to It ‎(Critics and Review to Judgment No 59, ‎Arrangement No 4, 1974/10/28 of Civil Chambers ‎Union)‎

Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor of Law, Private & Islamic Law Department,University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran



As a social institution, what right the university has in the city and its construction is the main issue of this article. If the rules and regulations are violated during the construction and development of the city, can the university, which has a social presence in the former, complain about this violation of the rules and regulations due to the negligence or silence of the city administering institutions? The basis of this question is challenging from the point of view that, for a civil action, one should look at the criterion of benefit, because benefit is its basis. So does the university have such an advantage in the city and society? In this article, the demand of the university's lawsuit was the removal of approximately 400 meters of land and the destruction of constructions from Zul-Qadr street in the Amirabad area. Finally, the civil chambers of the General Assembly of the Supreme Court recognized the university as the beneficiary and accepted his lawsuit. Based on this, today, when the plans for the development of the university environment are in hand, is this social view of the role of the university in the city still sustainable?
Examining the decision of the General Assembly of the Supreme Court and identifying its historical and legal position in our legal system has been the main method of research in this article. In addition to this method, an attempt has been made to examine the current position of the university in
society and in legal fields, and to examine the opinion of the civil chambers of the Supreme Court for the university. The fact is that the judgment of the General Assembly is important from the point of view of the university and the city, especially because in those days when the Administrative Court of Justice was not yet established so that, for example, individuals could, as neighbors, complain about their neighbor's urban and construction measures and possibly revoke their permits.
The theoretical framework of this article is the examination of the judicial procedure regarding interest in litigation, with the consideration that the university still has an important social role in the city, and if the position of the university is viewed from this point of view, many of the implementation problems of the university's organization and development plans with the correct interpretation will be resolved.
If the correct implementation of the law is violated in the city surrounding the university or the legal regulations in the field of urban planning and real estate and private documents are ignored, can the university, as a person who has a living and dynamic presence in this environment, refer to the judiciary for the correct implementation of these laws?
If the university has a dynamic and living social role in the city, the benefit that is the criterion of litigation should be interpreted according to this role.
The judgment of General Assembly, which is a historical and legal document for the University of Tehran, should be considered as a historical and legal document for "Iran" which is based on the right foundation. This document shows that the interest is not only material and the right is not appeared only in the official document. The benefit and right of the university, whose ownership is based on the judgment of the court of property proceedings and the law on the sale of king’s real estate, is stronger than any other document.
In addition, this judgment shows that the university is a part of the life of the city and should not be abandoned on the pretext of the type of litigation and the type of documents and documents in possession and produced. A university that has built a street on its property to participate in the city should be able to demand the eviction of the aggressor and owner of this street. Also, a university that is a part of the city and its social developments should be able to claim and demand its truth and authenticity while passing through a street with a certain width.
This university, which has acted in interaction with the municipality and the city association, has asked for the third party of this institution to show the correct implementation of the law regarding those who have building permits.
On the other hand, this judgment showed that the social interest of the university in the city from the perspective of the Supreme Court of Iran was recognized years before the issuance of General Assembly unification judgment No. 672 and 681 of the Supreme Court and 115 of the General Board of the Court of Administrative Justice in Iran's judicial system. With this description, the decision number 4 of 1352 imposes another criterion on the researcher, with which he can reach a kind of evaluation in the comparison between Article 576 of the Civil Procedure Law of 1318 and Article 408 of this law approved in 1379.


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