Jurisdiction of Courts in Private Enforcement of Competition Law- A Comparative Study of European Union and Iranian Law

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Candidate in International Trade and Investment Law, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Associate Professor in Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.


Private enforcement of competition law means that natural or legal persons aggrieved by the anti-competitive practices of undertakings bring actions before national courts. Anti-competitive procedures possessing cross-border elements, on account of a link to diverse countries' markets and the adverse impacts on them, are associated with the complexities of conflicting jurisdictions to initiate private lawsuits. In EU law, significant and constant alterations have been made in this field by the European Court of Justice. This article strives to compare the jurisdictional rules in competition law claims in the European Union and Iranian law through these judicial precedents along with growing research of legal writers and with a comparative approach. The authors of this article believe that notwithstanding the tortious nature of competition law claims and the invalidity of anti-competitive agreements and irrespective of whether they are "follow-on actions" or "stand-alone actions", having recourse to the jurisdictional rules related to the contract in both legal systems is plausible and untainted by a problem, and what is indeed requisite for determining the appropriate jurisdiction is perceiving the court with the closest link to the litigation. It has likewise been acknowledged in this article that in Iran's judicial system, the imperative legislations have not been adopted to impede the courts from handing down conflicting judgments in civil and commercial disputes in the international context, notably appertaining to competition law, which entails the consideration of Iran's legislative institutions.


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