A Comparative Study on the Right of Withdrawal in Residential Property Purchases and Its Legislative Feasibility in Iranian Law

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistance Professor, Department of Law, Hakim Sabzevari University, Sabzevar. Iran

2 2. Assistance Professor, Department of Law, Hakim Sabzevari University, Sabzevar. Iran.


The purchase of real estate, particularly for residential purposes constitutes one of the most significant transactions for consumers. The high cost of real estate, the limited financial resources of consumers, and their inexperience in such transactions, have led to the necessity for legislative intervention to protect the rights of consumers. A significant legal protection recently granted to residential property buyers worldwide is the right of withdrawal. This right allows buyers to reconsider the transaction and rescind it, if necessary, within a specified period of time, away from the sentiments and conditions governing the transaction. This research, using a library-documentary data collection tool and a descriptive-analytical method with a comparative level of analysis, seeks to answer the question of whether the right of withdrawal can be recognized for residential property buyers, as consumers, in Iranian law? If so, what rules and conditions can govern this right? The findings of the research indicate that due to legal and economic necessities, it is possible to recognize such a right in Iranian law. By drawing on the experiences of other countries, rules can be defined and regulated for the exercise of this right.


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