
Decriminalization limits and narrows the sphere of criminal law through two methods: to eliminate the criminal description of special behavior (a) and to remain or not remain it in the public jurisdiction of other formal control mechanisms (b). If it is left in the public jurisdiction, it requires non-criminal sanctions. Therefore, decriminalization is a process that at least, has got two outlooks: first, the criminal justice system that justifies its existence and necessity; and second, other non-criminal powers and agencies, especially executive organizations that accept the new role so as to have control on the behaviors which will not be considered as crimes. This practice can be justified based on needlessness to the penal sanctions and the ability of non-criminal agencies to control undesirable acts. Decriminalization, on the above explanation, is a change process that needs to management through a practical program. If it is managed as well, it can lead to useful conclusions and achievements by public acceptance in the society. Such a task in Iran which always encounters the curse of hurriedness and seeking to protect sectional interests and intersectional non-harmony has demanded and does demand more endeavor and thoughtfulness.
