
The Geneva Convention was first formulated in 1952 and amended in 1971. This convention was initiated by UNESCO and a number of countries including the USA and the fromer soviet union which were seluctant to join the Berne Convention overlooking apparent differences, the basic structure of the two conventions is similar. One difference though is the lower level of protection for the author’s rights in the Geneva Convention in comparison to the Berne Convention. Another difference is that unlike the Berne convention, The principle of the Author?s rights in the Geneva convention is conditional to the acceptance of certain ceremonies.
This convention is renown as the universal convention because it was expected to be joined by all countries. In this convention rconventional rights, the principle of equality of foreign and domestic authors, and ceremonies and policies are all in favour of developing countries, though nothing has been mentioned about the moral rights of the author. In sum,the Geneva Gonvention has not proved to be as successful as it was initialy expected to be.
