Document Type : Research Paper


1 Law Department, U Associate Professor,Private niversity of Tehran

2 Master Private Law,University of Azad


The first international convention on maritime transportation is the
Brussels’ Convention of 1924. This convention was widely accepted
throughout the world and; thus, lasted for a long time due to the widespread
support of the countries possessing fleet for this convention and the lack of
existence of a legal document in terms of maritime transportation. The
passage of time together with innovations and technical developments
proved the inadequacy of this convention in balancing between the transport
contractors. Hence, with the efforts of the United Nations Conference on
Trade and Development, the Hamburg Convention was ratified in 1978. The
Hamburg Convention; however, faced failure as it was not widely accepted
by the countries possessing fleet. In 2008, the Rotterdam Convention was
ratified with the aim of gathering the consent of countries possessing fleet
which are mostly developed countries and the countries possessing goods
which are mostly developing countries. This article presents the translation
of the text of the Rotterdam Convention.
