The primary rule of criminal law and its procedural Evaluation of Anti-Money Laundering Act 1388 implementing Regulation

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate professor. Criminal Law and Criminology Department, Mazandaran University

2 Ph.D. Student.Criminal Law and Criminology Department, Qom University Abstract:


Anti-Money Laundering Act of 1386 granted authority to the Supreme Council to ratify regulations required by the law. The Council adopted bylaws, approved in 1388, but with powers that have been delegated to him under the pretext of some of the crimes emerging technology in the modern criminal justice deficiencies in the law to coordinate with the international instruments Such as the Palermo Convention and the 2000 departure beyond the material one, 27 - 28 and paragraph 4 of Article 38, acts upon the rule that the cases of criminal negligence laws and regulations of it, the draft Criminal Law to refer the criminal procedural, the rule actions to hedge its procedural and judicial investigations and research have named executive officer. Transformation in traditional techniques of mass negligence, discover and investigate criminal offenses in criminal law in terms of modern features, including Contemporary criminal money laundering regime but should be accepted directly by the Legislature or by the special committee shall be by permission. If he is in bylaws, beyond legislative permission. Action under Article 170 of the Constitution and is voidable by the Court of Administrative Justice.
