Illiegal immigration via sea, in the lighte of international law

Document Type : Research Paper


1 The professor of Tehran university ,faculty of law and political science

2 Master of international law,faculty of law and political science,Tehran university


Transnational organized crime, is one of the most important problem of international community in21 the late of 20 century, international community and united nations organization due to unification, cooperation, harmonization, conclude a convention to combat such actions .
This document was named (united nations convention against transnational organized crime), which completed with two protocols.well known as palermo convention.
The first protocol was about (prevent, suppress, punish, trafficking in persons specially women and children), and the second protocol was about (smuggling of migrants by land, air and sea).
This article evaluate the illegal immigration aspects via sea, which happen by diffrent reasons and the ways that reduc this problem under international cooperation.
