Nature and legal status of message

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Public Law Department, Faculty of Law and Politic Sciences, university of Tehran



Policy making and priorities for achieving the goals stated in the constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran especially ideological goals For providing and realization of "Justice and equity" &"Full independence" & "National unity" stated in part (c) of Article II of the constitution, is Leadership competencies Explicitly based on paragraph 1 of Article 110 of the same Law.
Leadership Messages in the New Year follow a particular philosophy that is providing the same Islamic Republic of Iran goals, which this year message is in the fact to determine economic strategies.
Accordingly Leadership message should be considered as a religious command and legal order .From this perspective; the message of the New Year is a double-side that One side has attention to the sovereignty & other side to the people. Government and the people must be used All his efforts in order to Realization of this message.
