Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Private and Islamic Law Department, University of Tehran, Iran

2 MS. Student, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran, Iran


The concept of limitation of liability has been recognized in the 11th century and developed in national legislations until 19th century. Considering the importance of maritime transport as the backbone of international trade and great potential for conflict of laws in maritime transport, the need for harmonizing international maritime law, particularly the law on limitation of liability, became visible in the 19th century. The first step towards international unification of the rules on limitation of liability for maritime claims has been taken by adopting 1924 Conventions, but it received little support from the international community. Unlike the 1924 Convention, the 1957 and 1976 Conventions on limitation of liability for maritime received wide international acceptance. Iran has ratified the 1976 convention on 2014 but at the same time the maritime code has preserved the rules of the 1957 convention, yet. In this paper, after exploring the different systems of limitation of liability, we attempt to review the provisions of international conventions on global limitation of liability in maritime law and (including, 1924, 1957 and 1976 conventions) and discuss the status of Iranian law in this regard will be discussed, too.


  1. منابع و مآخذ

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