Application of competition law on government’s authority (Act D’Autorite) and incumbency (Act D’Gestion) acts

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Public Law Department, University Of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 PhD Student of Public Law, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran


In this article, we attempt to answer this question whether it necessary and appropriate for government's actions to be follower of inspections of competition law or not? Therefore, first we will describe the literature related to question, then we will answer to the mentioned question in different hypotheses and with paying attention to both performed action in general's power area of authority and merely as a commercial and economical act. Finally, we will present comparative evidence with an emphasis on the US's legal system. Findings of this article are applicable in both areas of internal competition law & international competition law. Since so far, no common treaty or regulation has been enacted concerning the extraterritorial anticompetitive acts. Therefore, pursuing anticompetitive acts which have either international dimensions or are done in the internal market, will be accomplished in national legal system.


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