Quasi-negotiable instruments

Document Type : Research Paper


PhD Student of Private Law, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Modern world revolutions have created some instruments known as ‎quasi-negotiable instruments which are different from negotiable ones, ‎despite having some similarities to them. Commercial custom recognizes ‎them as quasi-negotiable instruments. The principle is that we don’t ‎need new legal regime for this new category because they are right in ‎personam when they are created and rights in rem when they are ‎circulating in the second market but if they needed new rules according ‎to the custom or market needs, it should be satisfied. The transactions ‎of these instruments are explained according to the assignment in the ‎stage of creation and estoppel when they are circulating in the market in ‎common law. In Iran law, we try to analyze them according to legal ‎fiction and a quasi-estoppel rule.


  1. منابع و مآخذ

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    ج) سایت‌های اینترنتی:

    1. http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/607352/trust

    2. https://www.translegal.com/lets/negotiable-instruments-2

    -                       مقررات

    1.The Negotiable Instruments Act (1881).

    1. قانون بازار اوراق بهادار مصوب آذرماه 1384