Cost-benefit and efficiency; economic principles governing legislation policy and their situation on Iranian copyright legislation

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


In the previous article written by the author of this paper we saw that Economic Principles Governing  Legislation Policy in the field of Copyright make legislator enact efficient Laws and Regulations on copyright and prevent him to enact contrary regulations in the same fields. The previous article considered three economic principles and now this article tries to examine two economic principles, i.e. Cost-Benefit Principle and Efficiency Principle, as well as  general rules resulted from them and their situation in Iranian Copyright legislation. Since there is no article considering economic principles and their relation with copyright legislation policy in Iranian legal literature, this essay aims to examine the mentioned issue and tries to prove this hypothesis that Iranian Legislator has not paid sufficient attention to economic principles in enacting copyright laws and regulations.


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