Choice of court agreement in intellectual property disputes (A Review of the Hague Convention 2005)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Islamic and Private Law Department, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 PhD Student in Private Law at Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Development of technology and communications, especially emergence of the internet as well as states’ inclination to achieve a harmonized protection of intellectual property rights in international level in the last three decades, have brought a new perspectives on international jurisdiction and recognition and enforcement of judgments in the field of intellectual property rights. The most important international document covering relation between private international law and intellectual property law is Convention on Choice of Court Agreements 2005. Despite the significance of the topic in international arena, the Iranian legislation lacks jurisdictional provisions with respect to intellectual property disputes. This article attempts to highlight positive consequences of Iran’s membership in the Convention, discussing the drafting history of the Convention and analyzing its provisions regarding jurisdiction and recognition and enforcement in intellectual property disputes.


  1. الف) فارسی:

    1. شمس، عبدالله، آیین دادرسی مدنی،چاپ هفتم، بهار 1384،انتشارات دراک،جلد نخست. 

    2. مافی،همایون؛ محمدی، سام؛ و کاویار، حسین، "دادگاه صالح برای رسیدگی به دعاوی ناشی از قراردادهای الکترونیکی"، مجلۀ حقوقی دادگستری،سال 75، ش 74، 1390، ص 190-161.


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