Document Type : Research Paper


Assistance Professor, Law Department, University of Guilan, Iran


Absence of enough connection between forum and action is principal reason for existence of exorbitant jurisdiction. Some jurisdictional rules such as conclusion place of contract in the historical ground especially revolution of communication instrument has lost its logical ground. Because of political interest such as protection of forum nationals, spite of states increasing cooperation has been yet remained unfair rules of jurisdiction. Exorbitant jurisdiction based on nationality has been preserved in French and in the light of Brussels 1 has finded extraordinary development. Courts In U.S. with expansive interpretation of minimum contact criteria, has justified exorbiant jurisdictionsderived from transient or attachment. Reexamination of jurisdictional ruleson the base of necessaryconnection between forum and action and also conclusion of international agreements will safe international private relations from agitated decisions grounds on political purposes and provide causes of just litigation in the meantime of preserving of litigant parties rights.


  1. الف) فارسی

    1. السان، مصطفی (1385)، بررسی نحوۀ تعیین قانون حاکم بر قراردادهای الکترونیکی، مجلۀ پژوهش حقوق و سیاست، شمارۀ نوزدهم.
    2. الماسی، نجادعلی (1384)، حقوق بین‌الملل خصوصی، چاپ سوم، نشر میزان.
    3.  شمس، عبدالله (1380)، آیین دادرسی مدنی، جلد اول، چاپ اول، نشر میزان.
    4.  صفایی، سیدحسین (1388)، مباحثی از حقوق بین­الملل خصوصی، چاپ دوم، بنیاد حقوقی میزان.
    5.  غمامی، مجید و محسنی، حسن (1390)، آیین دادرسی مدنی فراملی، چاپ اول، شرکت سهامی انتشار.
    6.  کریم‌کاشی، رضا (1390)، شرایط اجرای حکم خارجی بر مبنای امر مختوم، مجلۀ اندیشه‌های حقوق خصوصی، سال هشتم، شمارۀ هجدهم.


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