Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of Law, Faculty of Human Sciences, Semnan University, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Law, Faculty of Human Sciences, Mohaghegh Ardebili University, Iran


One of the important issues in companies’ law, is how to control directors in applying their attributions. Since in great companies, there is often a separation between ownership and management, most of stockholders cannot have effectual role in managing the company. Also it is possible that the directors abuse their attributions, focus on their own benefits rather than the company’s, and do breaches that actually result in the company’s detriment. One of the significant means to control the actions of directors is the possibility of making liability claim on behalf of the company against them. The main aim of this claim, which is not necessarily made by legal representatives of the company but by some of stockholders or partners, is to protect directly the company’s rights against the breaches of directors. Of course, this legal support in Iran’s law, contrary to French law, is in some aspects weak and subject to criticism.


الف) فارسی
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