Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of Law Department, University of Isfahan


This paper analyzes the ambiguous matters of substituting goodwill i.e. its consistency or inconsistency with the ecclesiastical law, its subsistence, and having or not having the right for transferring the lease to others. Then under the heading of the right for key-money, analyzes the key-money as an amount of money separate from the rent, the meaning of the phrase “the right for demanding the key-money in updated rate”, non-continuation of the lease after the expiry of its period in the key-money of the first kind, possibility of cancelation of the base lease of the key-money, and the manner of extending the lease; and after comparing the goodwill with the key-money relying on the discussions made, it has concluded that the right for the key-money is not a suitable substitution for the goodwill. As a result, the latter which has been proved as not against the ecclesiastical law, must be returned to the legal system.     


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