Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Private Law Department, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

2 PhD Candidate of Private Law, University of Tarbiat Modares


One of the main issues in international carriage of goods by road is the related issue to liability for compensation for damages to the goods when a carriage performed by successive carriers. Note that carrier may not personally engage in transportation operations, and may delegate it to someone else. The situation contains two separate situations itself. On the one hand, the carrier may use his personnel, servants and drivers who are under his/her command. On the other hand, the carrier may assign carriage operation to another carrier. It is clear that merely the latter situation is included by successive carriage issues. This paper seeks to examine the issue in a descriptive-analytical manner to clarify the relating issues with the different situations of successive carriage and especially the results achieved in the internal road transportation new carrier(s) may be liable in addition to the contracted carrier. But in international road transport that cover convention CMR, it must be admitted that in principle only first carrier, the last carrier and the carrier that damage has occurred in his/her time, is liable.


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