Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor of Private Law Department, University of Tehran


The meaning of access to justice, is not merely right of access, but it also means the principle of access to justice in tribunals as official place for pleading. So, when there is some doubt in the existence of right of action or this right in general tribunal, the principle of access to justice directs us to this resolution that results in the existence of this right. These two meaning have been accepted in Supreme Court’s Decisions. This survey shows that in our legal system, the notion of generality of Tribunals and Administrative Justice Court are not the same. Also when government has not the right of action in that court, supreme had said in its two Unification Decision (No. 602 and 699) that can pursuit its lawsuit in general tribunals on behalf and this solution causes a question that if the way and logic of these two Unification Decision can be applied in another cases that our legislator has not foreseen a tribunal for access to justice? Firstly, we are obliged to analyze the nature of Unification Decision. That decision is not positive Law or a thing as Law but also that decision is the interpretation of unification committee of Supreme Court for unification of law in all over the territory. So before author, Administrative Court of Justice by its competence for supervision in administrative law can hear the litigation of government, especially when it is presented in a lawsuit as a claimant or defendant.


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