Document Type : Research Paper


1 Member of the Faculty of Law, University of Tehran

2 PhD Candidate of Private Law Department, University of Tehran


Despite the adoption of a single-member company’s formation in most legal systems of the world and the benefits that it brings, in the Iran’s current law it isn’t anticipated; but according to the new trade law, the possibility of company formation with limited responsibility in the single-member form, is predicted under the 479 provision. When the twelfth instruction was approved, the single-member company is considered as a new law system, number 667, on the 21st of December, 1989, the European Community entered into the legal system of Europe member’s state. The Twelfth Directive is one of the 'Third Generation Directives. The UK is affected by the instruction in 1992 and recognized this institution as “Single-member private limited liability companies”. However, despite the lack of a written statute in the single-member company’s field, some issues such as nationalization or confiscation of some companies and acquisition of their capitals by government as a unit and independent person and also registration of some foreign companies that formed out of Iran territory’s legal system as a single-member and solicit to register their own company in Iran. All of them are some issues that lead to the viewing of their interference in Iran’s trade. In this article, a company with a single-member under comparative studies was investigated. In addition, we review the new trade law’s provision. It is concluded that the company’s formation with single-member in the Iran’s legal system, from the analytical perspective is desirable and acceptable.


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