Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor of Private law, University of Tehran

2 MSc. of International Commercial-Economic Law, University of Tehran


The exhaustion doctrine is significantly effective in the domain of free trade and competition in markets. Among intellectual property rights are trademarks rights, which more than other branches of such rights, relate to market and trade. The Patents, Industrial Designs, and Trademarks Registration Act of 2007 refers to the exhaustion doctrine in the domain of trademarks. The exclusive rights established by the trademarks rights do benefit both the producer and the consumer. The converge of these rights, i.e. the rights of consumers and producers, make it impossible to exhaust trademarks rights at all times, because misguidance and incorrect perception on the part of consumers can be an obstacle. This paper studies whether exhaustion doctrine can be prevented by consumer right. Generally speaking, in each case that the application of the doctrine to a situation in which consumers misguidance or mislead about the origin of the product should not accept it.


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