Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associated Professor of Institute of Comparative Law, University of Tehran

2 PhD Student of Private Law, University of Tehran


Among the different means of electronic trade, letter of credit is being paid attention more because of its frequent use. Nonetheless, with the emergence of bank payment obligation in 2013, the question about their differences and hesitation on their use and scope have made the lawyer's mind busy. This paper is to explain the differences and clarify the scope and use of each of these means to cover the lack of research in this field. The research eventually concludes that according to the difference of use and construction of credit letter and bank payment obligation, and the differences in legal relations exist in them, each is particular to special groups of business men and their deals, which is useful in their situation, and are used separately rather than alternatively.


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آخرین بازدید: 24/5/94،
آخرین بازدید:26/4/95، file:///C:/Users/HP/Downloads/244700.pdf.
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