Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Private law, Faculty of Law and Political Science of Tehran University

2 Ph.D. Graduate of Private Law, Faculty of Law and Political Science of Tehran University


 “Investment Contract” which is also known by the name of “State Contract” or “Economic Development Contract” is the prevalent method of making enormous investment projects especially in the developing countries. This type of the contract embraces a vast array of subject matters and includes disparate type of agreements. The main feature of an investment contract is that one party to the contract is essentially a “State Entity” or a “Public Law Entity” and the other party to the contract is a “Private Law Entity”. Following the conclusion of an investment contract, the legal framework of the rights and obligations of the parties and the enforcement mechanism closely resemble private law paradigm. The usage of the term “State contract” in Iranian legal literature shows two distinct applications, one of which conforms to the concept of “investment contract” as we delineate its features and nature in the present article. 


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