Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor of law, Department of Law, University of Isfahan, Iran


One of the topics of civil liability of French law is, “the civil liability resulting from other criminal acts". In the legal systems, the rule states that the criminal responsibility is personal and individual and there is no liability arising from the other’s criminal acts. However, it seems that we can accept civil liability arising from other’s criminal activities. This can even be assumed in the systems that they apply this kind of liability a "civil" responsibility not "criminal" responsibility. Therefore, the civil liability arising from criminal acts of other people can be raised in Iranian law. In one hand, Article 142 of Islamic criminal law is the question that the imposition of liability resulting from other’s criminal acts is possible or not. The place of this issue is empty in the legal literature of the law of obligations and Iranian criminal law. In this study, we discussed this subject through a comparative approach and with the help of French law.


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