Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of Law Group of Kashan University


A notary public, in handling the office affairs, is a prisoner of his/her mission; the replacement of notary public is not an easy task, especially when the status of his/her assistant is ambiguous. It is not possible to make the matters scientific and specialized, and the task of consulting is denied by its transparency. The notary public is solely responsible for compensating the customer. With the death or retirement of the notary public, the office will be closed and its public service is stopped. The retired notary public or his/her heirs will have no benefit from the office. Therefore, in the transfer of its license, scientific merit of the successor will not be considered. Unfortunately, any company's capital contributions for this context have not been subjected to researchers’ scrutiny. Some issues could be resolved by maintaining the current method. However, actual change occurs with the acceptance of collaborative implementation of the notary office and gathering several notary publics in one place: removing the notary public assistant position, replacing simple notary, making possible matters scientific and specialized, compensating the person harmed by the company and partners, and considering the provision of continuous service and the scientific merit of the successor.


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