Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Law and Political Science, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran

2 PhD in Jurisprudence and Private Law, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran


Corporate Governance may vary from one country to another, given the approach that different legal systems have for managing corporate companies. The "English-American" and "European" models are among the most important approaches to the Corporate Governance System. There are serious differences between them due to the kind of "Key Indicators of the Corporate Governance System"; such as the proportions in ownership and control, and the amount of Costs of Agency, disclosure rate and the amount of attention paid to the rights of minority shareholders. The approach of each legal system to these indicators leads to a different corporate governance system for them. In Iran's law, there is no special statutory law regarding the "corporate governance system" and different regulations relevant to Joint Stock Companies, such as the "Legislative Bill of 1968". The regulations and guidelines for the "Corporate Governance System" illustrate the weak approach of the Iranian legal system to all of these key indicators. Hence, it is necessary to take legislative measures based on the native-based approach, based on these characteristics, especially in terms of ownership separation from control, reduction of representation costs, and strong protection of the rights of minority shareholders.


  1. الف)فارسی


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    قوانین و مقررات

    1. آیین‌نامۀ نظام راهبری شرکتی بورس اوراق بهادار1386.
    2. دستورالعمل راهبری شرکتی برای شرکت‌های پذیرفته‌شده در بورس اوراق بهادار تهران 1389.
    3. قانون بازار اوراق بهادار مصوب1384.

    10.لایحۀ قانونی1347.


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