Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of Law, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran


The entrance of crypto-currencies as the creature of information technology into the field of exchanges and the growing acceptance of them has led to a wide range of reactions from absolute prohibition to full permission. The present paper examines the crypto-currencies in the context of jurisprudence, law and comparative study to shed light on some of the ambiguities. Since these currencies are related to wealth, financial resources and generally the economy of the society, then their study in the context of individual jurisprudence and private law is not sufficient but it is necessary to analyze relevant issues in the light of public law and government jurisprudence. The present study, with the aforesaid approach and with regard to disadvantages and threats as well as advantages and opportunities of the currencies does not recommend the policy of absolute allowance or rejection. Instead, this study suggests that we can use the experience of other countries to establish the required policy and legislation. The application of different countries' approaches to the creation of a national crypto-currency under present international conditions can be useful for Iran to confront with restrictions or sanctions. It is better to determine necessary backing for this currency, such as oil and gas production, to make their investment and use more attractive and reliable.


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