Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of International Trade and IP Law & Cyberspace, Law Department, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

2 MA in Intellectual Property Law, Law Department, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran


FRAND license as one of the strategies based on intellectual property law adopted by standard-setting organizations, observe technologies of technical standards because of their importance in particular art. Such license can play significant role in developing technical standards, and exploiting and transferring essential standard technologies. Having contemplated in approaches raised in different legal systems, this paper in descriptive – analytical method is going to clarify the notion of FRAND license and survey the situations that lead to employing such agreement by undertakings and competent authorities. The results show that design of the structure of FRAND license by standard-setting organizations and courts has encountered serious challenges which in its turn has had adverse effects on determining process of rights and obligations of parties as well as using essential standard technologies. Iranian law lacks legal essentials in applying FRAND license and existing general rules impede extensive and efficient exploitation of such technologies rather than solve the problems. Accordingly, having analyzed the driftnet aspects of subject and benefiting legal experiences and findings of other countries, current paper tries to provide some suggestions and approaches confronting particular matters of FRAND license in Iranian law framework.


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