Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor of Law, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Tort law is private law while the regulation by the state is public law. How should make relations between the two with each other? Tort law seeks to find the best person to bear the costs of conducts in social life and regulation to make obligatory standards of conduct that must be the best for a civilized society. However, both tort and regulatory law has regulatory effects and the aim of both is to shape the conducts of citizens. Many scholars have considered the link between these two but in a coherent system of conduct-regulation the aim of this paper is to analyze the role of the regulation in tort law. Thus, some samples of this effect can be seen in new approved law.  It can be concluded that regulation may mitigate tort law system and fill its gaps when the tort law fails to observe conduct regulation policies.


  • الف) فارسی

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