Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of Law, Department of Fiqh and Islamic Law Principles, Ferdowsi University of Mashad, Iran


Linking to the content of other websites on the internet is a common practice which makes it easy for users to access their desired material. Two issues are raised about the linking; first, freedom of linking principle justified by free nature of worldwide web and, second, implicit authorization to link to all pages of a website by mere unconditioned presence on the web. The main reason raised by opponents is elimination of advertising profits of the front page of the linked website in certain types of linking. Another important issue is the probability of infringing the linked website owner’s copyright. Hence, the need to analyze possible types of infringement, i.e. direct and indirect infringement and material and moral rights exposed to infringement by linking. This article, through descriptive-analytical method, has studied the concept and different types and freedom or prohibition of linking and the relation between linking and copyright from the perspective of Imamia Jurisprudence and law. The discussions show that all links are not necessarily infringing and the advertising incomes of websites may be acquired through advertisements on deep pages and linking may be restricted through technological means.


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