Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D Student in Private Law, Faculty of Theology, Law and Political Sciences, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Private Law, Shahid Beheshti University


Set-off between two mutual debts- which has long been adopted in civil law system, and after many ups and downs, it has become  a substantive matter, that accepted too late only as a procedural principle in English law between two debts resulting from the contract, with the subject of cash, to avoid multiple claims and it is a counter claim, regarding the known or possibly unknown amount of cash against a similar claimant that its execution date is reached and except in bankruptcy, it causes the main claim to be stopped. However, the existence of three legal sources of common law, equity and statute in the mentioned legal system, led to formation of three distinct types of set-off that each of them is applicable in its own certain systems. These three types of Set-off, which have no equivalents in Iranian law and are recognized according to forms of relationship between two debts, can be nominated as integrated set-off, independent set-off and connected set-off. In Iranian law, although set-off as a substantive matter after the expiration of two mutual general debts causes acquittal of two debtors of a certain amount of debt. Existence of imprisonment right and need to invoke in the proceedings bring closer the existent solutions in Iranian law to English law. In this study the view of two mentioned legal systems about the basics of set-off, techniques and its deferent applications will be studied.


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