An Analytical and Critical Analysis of Interim and preventive Measures in "Iranian civil liability"

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Islamic Azad University of Tehran North Branch

2 Department of Private Law, Faculty of Law and Political Science. Islamic Azad University of Tehran North Branch

3 Department of Private Law. Faculty of Law and Political Science, Islamic Azad University of Tehran North Branch


In Iranian law, civil liability is often defined as the duty of the importer of damage compensation and its preventive function is on the sidelines, while foresighting and preventing more economic, ethical and human damages. Is more. Moreover, civil liability does not only involve the assignee of the loss-maker, but also the loss-maker must strive to prevent and intensify the loss. Therefore, the rules of preventive liability require that in some cases the liability for damages resulting from the abandonment of pre-emptive action be inflicted upon itself. Accordingly, the question to be addressed in this article is what are the rules and institutions and mechanisms and safeguards in Iran's law on preventing harm, preventing it from continuing, and preventing it from continuing. What are the shortcomings of this field? " attachment of relief ", " provisional injunction ", " attachment of frivolous claim ", " attachment of Foreigners Claim", " attachment of execution in judgment by default ", " attachment of execution or Stopping Enforcement requesting for re-trial, third person objection, last resorte " And "stoppage of official document" and triple claims of Possessor Action, Action for Disturbance of Possession, Action for Right of Exploitation, the existence of various obligations for municipalities and government agencies to prevent harm caused by human agents, the vice-president of insurance systems, and social security. Ziandideh to refer to the importer of damages and to use the guarantees of law enforcement and criminal liability in the inefficiency of civil liability rules,


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