Inquiry in Temporary Mortgage Contract

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.A. in Private Law, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Law, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran



The term in the mortgage is presented in two formats; one is due to the deferred debt and the other is making the mortgage contract temporal for the absolute debt. Although the jurists have considered the first one to be correct, this was not, in the strict sense of the word, making mortgage contract temporal, and it is naturally out of the question, unlike the second form, which is invalidated by consensus. Of course, in jurisprudence and civil rights, in addition to consensus, other arguments have been presented to invalidate this. Among them are the requirement of a mortgage contract, the result of its durability and subordination, the requirement of the literal meaning of the mortgage, and similar cases. In this search, we are looking for an answer to this question: Is making the mortgage contract temporal, correct and possible? For example, can money be mortgaged for two years? Is there a legal basis for the time limit in the debt document? The civil law is silent on this matter, but some jurists have clearly considered the non-limitation of the term as one of the conditions for the validity of the mortgage. The result of the discussion is that if the condition of making temporal is considered invalid due to the opposition to the requirements of the mortgage contract, then the claimant's guarantee will be lost and it will become a normal demand. Therefore, considering the silence of the civil law
and the conflicting nature of some issues in jurisprudence and the lack of a research background on this issue, the necessity of the present research becomes clear, in which, by focusing on the reliable sources of Imami law with the help of the library, the analysis of making mortgage temporal will be maid, in the form of an additional condition. Considering the silence of the civil law in this matter, the present article, in a descriptive and analytical method, after examining the history of discussions in the works of jurists, criticizes each of the arguments presented and after making some considerations, finally, taking into account the requirements of the applications, the free will surrounding the contract, the principle of correctness, attention to the purpose of the mortgage (creating confidence in the mortgagor and motivating the payment of debt in the mortgagor) and attention to the rational and case benefits of making contract temporal and legal logic, reaches the conclusion that the agreement on making temporal is correct and it does not conflict with its inherent qualities. At the same time, the alleged consensus on the invalidity of the temporary mortgage is not without controversy, and does not hold up against the evidence of the correctness of making temporal. In general, it seems that the presumption of invalidity or at least doubt in the correctness of making mortgage temporal, in the Islamic and civil law, has led the regulators of these contracts to make the whole contract temporal, in such a way that the interests of the some bank contracts are secured, from the supposed problem of the timing. In fact, with this action, while the bank enjoys the rational benefits of mortgage timing, they also distance themselves from this possible problem. Finally, it should be said that the timing of the mortgage and its inclusion in the official documents, in Iran's legal system, not only does not face any obstacle, but considering its rational benefits, it is also compatible with the legal logic and customs of the society. On the other hand, the need to amend the laws and regulations of the legal system in order to make it more efficient requires that every research should include a section for presenting suggestions to the legislator. Based on this, it is suggested that, like the amendments made in some articles of the civil law, in the years after its approval, in order to clear any doubts, the correctness of the timing of the mortgage should also be included in the text of the civil law, with the following content: "Article 794 bis (recommended): The mortgage contract can be long-term and the condition of the mortgage being long-term is not void. In this case, if the considered time comes before the payment of the debt, it is like that from then on, until the payment of the debt, the mortgage guarantee is not considered and the debt is free of mortgage. In this case, the agreement on making temporal, depending on the case, will be interpreted in line with the conditional will to guarantee religion and its belongings and related matters as much as possible. In any case, the conditional defendant can request the mortgage after fulfilling all his obligations.


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