Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, University of Tehran, Iran

2 PhD Student in Private Law, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz Branch, Iran


Arbitration is an alternative method in which the neutral and selected arbitrator of the parties outside the court seeks to resolve the dispute. In the course of arbitration, the arbitrator is the main actor and he is the one who ultimately decides on the dispute. The most important obligation of the arbitrator in this battle is to resolve the dispute, and his other obligations are in keeping with this main obligation. The establishment of this obligation requires the acceptance of the arbitrator and, if the dispute arises and the petition is handed down by one of the parties, the arbitrator is required to fulfill the obligation accepted by his will. The present paper deals with the question of the issue and nature of the arbitrator's obligation to resolve dispute. Using the library method and referring to internal and external sources, the present study seeks to clarify the legal aspects of the arbitrator's obligation from the obligations law view. In this regard, it can be argued that the arbitrator's obligation to resolve the disputes is in fact an obligation to the issuance of the award, it must be definite and possible and like the judge, arbitrator should seek the discovery of the truth.


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