The scheme of the theory of the unilateral act as a source of obligations in Iran with a comparative study of French law

Document Type : Research Paper


Esfahan university


In jurisprudence and law of Iran and France, unilateral act is not a strange phenomenon, and the two terms of the contract and unilateral act together represent the deep roots of these two institution. But what has been the subject of doctrine in French law since the 19th century is the role of unilateral act to create obligations. In other words, it has many effects, but there is doubt about whether it can create obligations. In 2016, with the amendments of French Civil Code unilateral act has been drafted in the area of sources of obligations, which could be a reflection of this fact that unilateral act is as a unilateral source for bilateral obligations and it is a new achievement. In law of Iran, unilateral act to create obligations is not raised as a general theory, but there are examples of civil law that can be considered as an example of acceptance of this theory. The study of French law as one of the legal systems in this field can be used as a platform for a general theory of law in Iran, which will be presented in this paper in a comparative way.


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