Recognition and Enforcement of Arbitral Awards of China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission(CIETAC)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Candidate in Private Law, Islamic Azad University Isfahan ‎‎(Khorasgan) Branch

2 Associate Professor, Department of Law, University of Isfahan ‎

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Law, Islamic Azad University Isfahan ‎‎(Khorasgan) Branch



The China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission(CIETAC), is one of the leading arbitration bodies in East Asia, to which traders and investors from all over the world turn to resolve their disputes. Ease and confidence in identifying and enforcing domestic and foreign arbitral awards issued by this institution is of particular importance and can lead to the expansion and expansion of international trade relations. The People's Republic of China has provisions for the recognition and enforcement of internal arbitration in the Code of Civil Procedure, the Arbitration Law and the Code of Civil Procedure. China has tried to use the new principles and rules of arbitration as a criterion in formulating these rules. But in some cases it has violated these principles. In the international arena, the recognition and enforcement of Cietac's foreign arbitral awards is in accordance with the rules of the 1958 New York Convention. In this article, by reviewing the rules governing the recognition and enforcement of CIETAC arbitration awards from the perspective of China and the New York Convention, the principles, obstacles, and methods of identifying and enforcing CIETAC internal and external arbitration awards are examined.


  1. منابع

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