The role of international principals of intellectual property protection on governing law selection

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor, Private and Islamic Law Department, University of Tehran, Iran

2 PhD Candidate in Private Law, Islamic Azad University of Qum, Iran


Public order, as a principle in the framework of national laws, is a tool for protecting private and public interests in a society. Observance of the norms and public order in any jurisdiction is important as far as the the influence of this chariness on contracts in the field of private international laws is undeniable. With the formation of new rights such as intellectual property rights in the regime of national laws and their influence on international conventions in the field of conflict of laws, some international norms have entered into the realm of national laws; therefore, choosing the law governing their role, especially in infringement cases of intellectual property rights is extremely significant. The current paper aims to investigate the influence of international norms on selection of a governing law in the framework of infringement of these rights.  


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 ج) دعاوی
1. Pearce v Ove Arup Partnership Ltd and others [2000] Ch 403, [1999] 1 All ER 769, [2000] 3 WLR 332, [1999] FSR 525.
2. رأی شمارة 617- 03/04/1376 وحدت رویة هیئت عمومی دیوان عالی کشور.