جایگاه نهاد «ثبت» در تأمین ثبات وضعیت حقوقی اموال منقول و امنیت معاملاتی با تأکید بر معاملات وثیقه‌ای

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 دانشیار، گروه حقوق خصوصی و اسلامی، دانشکدة حقوق و علوم سیاسی، دانشگاه تهران، تهران، ایران،

2 کارشناسی ارشد، حقوق خصوصی، دانشکدة حقوق و علوم سیاسی، دانشگاه تهران، تهران، ایران،



نظام‌های حقوقی مدرن به‌منظور تأمین «شفافیت اطلاعات» و «تضمین اعتبار» در معاملات با وثیقة منقول به نهاد حقوقی «ثبت» توجه کرده‌اند. رواج «ثبت» در معاملات وثیقه ­ای منقول این مسئله را مطرح کرده که چه اهداف حقوقی از ثبت وثایق منقول مورد انتظار است و مبتنی بر چه مبانی حقوقی باید به‌وجود آید و متضمن چه آثار حقوقی باشد تا بتواند کارکردهای حقوقی موردنظر را تضمین کند؟ مقاله حاضر به این نتیجه دست یافت که تأمین «اصل اعلام»، «جلوگیری از پدیدة نمایش ثروت کاذب» و «ایجاد بازار غیرشخصی توثیق منقول» کارکردهای حقوقی مورد انتظار از ایجاد نظام ثبت وثایق منقول در همة نظام‌های حقوقی است که هریک با اتخاذ یکی از دو مبنای حقوقی «ثبت جایگزین قبض» یا «ثبت تکمیل‌کنندة توثیق» به‌ترتیب ضمانت اجرای «بطلان» و «عدم قابلیت استناد» را پیش‌بینی کرده‌اند. مع ­الوصف محدودیت اموال منقول قابل توثیق» در نظام حقوقی ایران، «پراکندگی و تعدد نظام‌های ثبت اموال منقول قابل توثیق» و «تعدد مراجع متکفل آن» در نظام حقوقی ما به عدم تأمین کارکردهای حقوقی مورد انتظار از سیستم ثبت اموال منقول منجر شده است. این نوشتار به این نتیجه دست یافته است که با ایجاد یک «نهاد جامع ثبت وثایق منقول» که ثبت تمام معاملات وثیقه ­ای اموال غیر منقول را دربرگیرد و دسترسی عموم را به اطلاعات کامل این املاک فراهم نماید می‌توان این چالش حقوقی را رفع کرد.


عنوان مقاله [English]

The Position of the "Movable Property Registration System" in Ensuring the Stability of the Legal Status of Movable Property and Transaction Security with Emphasis on Secured Transactions

نویسندگان [English]

  • nasrin Tabatabai Hesari 1
  • sahar Ain Parast 2
1 Associate Professor, Department of Private and Islamic Law, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran,
2 Master's Degree, Private Law, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran,
چکیده [English]

 Establishing "information transparency and guarantee of credit" in transactions with movable collateral has caused legal systems to pay attention to the legal registration technique.  Although the movable property has a greater share in the asset portfolio of individuals, there is no desire to conclude movable collateral transactions, especially by credit institutions, due to the limitation of using these properties with their bills. So when people turn to acquiring immovable property and concluding transactions with immovable collateral due to the existence of the real estate registration system, the maximum use of movable property is not provided, and movable property is not used in transactions with collateral, especially in production and trade. Due to the lack of assurance to individuals and the lack of guarantee of legal security, it will inevitably become a dead capital. It has raised the issue of what legal functions are expected from the registration of movable collaterals, on what legal basis it should be established, and what legal effects it should have to guarantee the intended legal functions.
The present study, with an analytical and comparative perspective, has concluded that the "principle of declaration and general access to information", "preventing the phenomenon of display of false wealth," and "creating an impersonal market through the conversion of assets into capital" are the legal functions expected to a system of registration of movable collaterals in all legal systems. By adopting one of the two legal bases, "registration as an alternative to taking property" and "registration as a complement of effects, " each has provided different sanctions. In other words, paying attention to the basics and legal functions expected from the movable property registration system, especially in the field of commercial transactions and obtaining credit, has led to the prediction and suggestion of creating a movable property registration system as a comprehensive database in many conventions and sample rules.
 The Iranian legal system also faces the challenge of restricting the area of movable property, the dispersion and diversity of movable registration systems, and the multiplicity of its dependent authorities, which has led to the failure to provide the expected legal functions by establishing a comprehensive movable registration entity. In fact, in Iran's legal system, despite the creation of certain systems specific to certain movable properties and the approval of regulations in the field of authentication of movable properties to increase credit, there are still defects in the legal infrastructure for the authentication of all types of movable properties and the lack of a bank Comprehensive information about the legal status of the property can be seen. This article has concluded that this legal challenge can be solved by creating a "comprehensive movable registration institution" that registers all movable property transactions and provides public access to this information. According to the legal status of the traded property, by ensuring the stability of the legal status of the movable property subject to verification with the help of the support function of the mentioned registration system, which leads to the determination of the right of priority of collateral rights based on the time of registration, it is possible to protect these rights before the society.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Credit Obtaining
  • Ensuring Transactions Security
  • Movable Registration System
  • Notices
  • Property Law
  • Publicity Principle
  • Registration Law
  1. منابع

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